
Minggu, 04 November 2018

About Me

Hey everybody! Welcome to the world of Sci-ledge. You guys can call me Willy!
Well, I was born in Egypt on the 4th of August 2003, the same year as when my favorite game was released! It's called Command and Conquer Generals.
It is the first time I own a blog and an email. My hobby is reading. My favorite color is green and blue. My favorite vehicles are pick-up trucks, tanks, and military aircraft.
That's all about me, Auf Wiedersehen! Goodbye, TTFN! Ta ta for now!

Mall dan Pasar Dibuka, Perlukah Masjid Juga Dibuka Saat Ini?

• Beberapa hari ini, kita disuguhkan informasi yang sungguh memilukan .  • Apa itu? Mal dibuka pada masa pandemi belum usai. Mereka sea...